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 Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship

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Nombre de messages : 49
Age : 33
Localisation : Estonia
Date d'inscription : 03/01/2014

Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship Empty
MessageSujet: Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship   Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship EmptyVen 30 Mai 2014, 23:33

I was looking a video about French MiniMx Championship first stage in St-Mamer and noticed very beautiful bike...
Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship <a href=Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship Crm210" />
Does anybody of you know whos bike is it or do you happen to have more pictures of it?

I also know that Scratchidesign custom built SL70 and if anybody of you have pictures of it with 12/10inch wheel setup with 88cc engine i would really appreciate it if you post these pictures here.
Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship <a href=Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship 62852_10" />

Best wishes,
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Nombre de messages : 8523
Age : 34
Localisation : 60
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2010

Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship   Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship EmptySam 31 Mai 2014, 09:13

Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship 111

You should ask them for more infos there, pretty sure they could help you


I don't think Scratchi ever rode his bike in 10" tho
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Nombre de messages : 49
Age : 33
Localisation : Estonia
Date d'inscription : 03/01/2014

Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship   Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship EmptyLun 02 Juin 2014, 08:56

Thanks Little, i found Scratchis bike picture with 12/10 combo.
Did he raced with 14/13 wheel set in the championships?
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Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship   Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship Empty

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Vintage bike at St-Mamer Championship

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